Smelly breath? Are your gums swollen and puffy? Are they tender? Do they look dark red and bleed when you floss or brush? These are all signs that you may have gingivitis. Gingivitis does not just appear, as there are many factors that may increase your risk such as smoking, poor nutrition and vitamin C... Read more »
Dental Advice
Australia Dental
Whether you have a sensitive gag reflex, require a surgical procedure or have simply had a bad dental experience in the past, then you know not all dental experiences are positive ones. But if need more than just a simple check up and don’t feel as though oral or inhalation sedation will be enough, then... Read more »
What Is Tooth Decay? Also called cavities or caries, tooth decay is among the world’s most common health problems. Cavities are most prevalent in older adults, teenagers and children, however anyone can get them, including infants. Dental cavity formation is caused by permanently damaged areas in the hard surfaces of your teeth developing into tiny... Read more »
Some of us don’t look forward to visiting the dentist, regardless of whether we are aware of the long-term benefits or not. So with all the unnecessary anxiety surrounding dentists and dental health, it’s not surprising that myths about oral health continue to circulate in our society. However, many of these are totally unfounded. But... Read more »
Dental anxiety is a term used to describe a common condition whereby patients feel fear, anxiety or stress when in a dental setting. The degree of fear can vary, from general unease to experiencing a panic attack at the thought of a dental visit, and it can be associated with triggers including needles, drills or... Read more »
Many of us don’t realise just how much control we have over the alignment of our teeth, but the reality is that our dentin, bone and enamel are far less stable than we’d like to imagine. This is particularly true when it comes to children’s teeth because of the fact that they are consistently developing.... Read more »
When it comes to the modern world of dentistry, there is some good news – research shows that the number of teeth older Australians are retaining into old age seems to be increasing. However, the issue of oral health is not all smiles, because unfortunately as the time frame increases, so does the likelihood of... Read more »
Dental implant surgery is a treatment whereby artificial roots are fixed in the mouth in order to provide a permanent base for a bridge or replacement teeth. Many individuals undergo this procedure because implants fit and function like normal teeth, and it’s a long-term solution for chronic dental problems or failing or missing teeth.
We all know that it’s important to exercise important healthy oral hygiene and brush our teeth at least twice a day in order to prevent tooth decay, however choosing the right toothpaste can be a daunting exercise considering the sheer number and variety of toothpastes on offer.
We have all heard the not so nice names for our good friend saliva, however if it weren’t for the production of this slippery form of moisture, we would really be up the creek without the stream! Here are some fun facts you may not know about this substance that’s almost entirely comprised of water.... Read more »