If you think the secret to a sparkling smile is just a speedy swish of toothpaste on your pearly whites morning and night, it’s time to brush up on your oral hygiene. Maintain good oral health with our oral health guide, sure to keep the whole family’s teeth in tip top condition.
Poor oral health can cause a world of problems for you and your family with painful, expensive and unnecessary dental issues. A good oral health guide is vital in ensuring you are doing everything you can to protect and maintain your beautiful smile for a lifetime.
Toothbrush, dental floss, mouthwash – oh my!
Hands up if a toothbrush is the only tool in your oral hygiene arsenal. To maintain good oral hygiene and a brilliant and healthy smile for a lifetime, keep a stock of the following in your bathroom:
– soft-bristled toothbrush
– fluoride toothpaste
– dental floss
– mouthwash.
The best toothbrush and toothpaste for your teeth
Choosing the right toothbrush can be tricky. Be kind to your teeth and gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Medium or hard toothbrushes, especially if you’re a vigorous brusher, can harm teeth and gums. Electric toothbrushes are a great alternative to the standard toothbrush, reducing the risk of tooth abrasion. Electric toothbrushes can make brushing fun for kids and help them to develop the correct brushing technique, too. Electric toothbrushes clean just as gently, if not more so, than soft-bristled toothbrushes and often come with a two-minute timer.
Don’t forget to take good care of your tooth brushing tools. If you see the bristles of your toothbrush begin to flare, it’s time to buy a new one. Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months regardless of their condition. Make sure you rinse your brush thoroughly after each use and leave it out to dry to reduce the risk of it harbouring bacteria.
When it comes to toothpaste, consult your dental professional for the most effective and protective toothpaste for you.
Floss frequently for a healthy smile
While it’s important to brush your teeth twice daily, you only need floss your teeth once per day – ideally before bed. Flossing will get rid of any plaque build-up and bacteria your toothbrush misses. Gingivitis is the most common cause for tooth loss, so it’s vital to take good care of your gums. Try to be firm with your flossing, but not too rough. Don’t be alarmed if you notice a little bleeding for the first few times you floss. This should ease up as your gums become healthier.
Kill bacteria with mouthwash
Not only will it make your breath smell minty fresh, but a mouthwash can complement your brushing and flossing. Mouthwash helps to kill bacteria in your mouth and can help you maintain strong teeth. There are mixed views on the benefits of certain brands of mouthwash, however, so ensure you consult with your dental professional before using.
Brush up on your technique
An oral health guide is not complete without tooth brushing tips. The recommended time to bush your teeth, for a thorough clean, is two minutes. Divide your mouth into sections and spend around 30 seconds brushing each section.
Position your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle near your gum line to ensure a good clean of your teeth and gums. Use gentle back and forth and up and down motions, and don’t forget to clean the inside surfaces of your teeth and the top of your tongue.
Food and drink to limit
Certain foods and drinks can have a damaging effect on your teeth. Soft drink, tea, coffee and wine can cause discolouration, bad breath and enamel erosion. Enamel erosion places your teeth at risk of sensitivity and decay.
When it comes to food, place sugary foods and citrus fruits on your ‘sometimes’ list. The sugar in sweets and acidity in fruits are highly damaging to your teeth. If you succumb to temptation, a simple swish of water in your mouth afterwards will do your teeth a world of good. Sugarless chewing gum can also help neutralise acid in your mouth.
Avoid smoking
Smoking is a definite no no for maintaining an attractive, strong and healthy smile. Smoking places you at risk of gum disease, bad breath, tooth decay and loss of teeth, while nicotine and tar are quick to discolour your teeth.
Protect your teeth with calcium
Boost your calcium intake to maintain a strong and healthy smile. Milk, yoghurt, cheese and other dairy products are gentle on your teeth. Vitamin D and B will also do well to protect your teeth and gums.
Examine your mouth regularly
In between dental visits, keep an eye on the health of your mouth. Have your teeth become sensitive? Does your breath smell? Are there any ulcers, cuts or unusual lumps in your mouth? These are all signs of a deeper issue and you should consult your dental professional immediately.
It is wise to see your dentist in between visits if you notice any of the following:
- swollen, tender and/or bleeding gums
- gums that are receding from your teeth
- loose teeth and fillings
- persistent ulcers and sores
- sensitivity
- toothache
- tender jaw
- ongoing bad breath.
Kids and oral health care
Regular dental check-ups are a must for kids from an early age. Dentists can keep an eye on your child’s mouth area development and address any teeth alignment or jaw issues.
You’re encouraged to start dental care at home as soon as your baby’s first tooth erupts. For more advice on caring for your baby or child’s teeth, consult your dental professional.
Dental check-ups
Book in a check-up with your dentist every six months to maintain a strong and healthy smile. Regular dental check-ups allow dentists to remove the build-up of plaque on your teeth that your toothbrush and floss can’t remve. Dentists will check for signs of decay and disease, and ensure you’re doing everything you can to protect your killer smile. Follow our good oral heath guide, then contact our friendly dentists with any questions you may have on establishing an oral health care routine.
Oral health care is easy if you follow a good oral health guide! Book an appointment with Australia Dental today to help you maintain a lifelong healthy smile.