It is essential to have regular dental check-ups to maintain strong teeth and gums. You should visit your dentist at least once a year, after all we all know that prevention is the key to long-term oral health!
Introducing children to the dentist at an early age is important so that any problems can be addressed as early as possible. It is also beneficial to establish a relationship with the dentist prior to children requiring treatment.
During an examination your dentist will check the soft tissue inside your mouth; examine your teeth for cavities or broken fillings; inspect the gums and may even take a digital X-Ray if needed (this will reveal conditions that may not be visible to the eye). A scale and clean may also be necessary, which removes the hardened plaque from the teeth.
Our dentist’s can help with much more than just a clean! They can replace fillings and missing teeth, repair stained, broken or crooked teeth as well as treat your mouth for gum disease and tooth decay.
Your personal treatment plan will be discussed in a language that is easy to understand, with no nasty little surprises.
Be sure to call us for an appointment. New patients are always welcome at Australia Dental.