With the silly season fast approaching, don’t make silly choices with your oral hygiene!
Christmas is a great time to relax, have fun and indulge in delicious food and drinks, but it is good to be cautious about what you are consuming and how much you are consuming. Consumption of certain foods and drinks with lots of sugar can lead to oral health issues such as cavities and bad breath as it produces bad bacteria which once digested can grow within the mouth.
Here is a list of ideas to keep your oral hygiene clean, while still enjoying the festive season:
1. Keep up with regular brushing.
If you are not regularly brushing your teeth, the plaque created by eating foods and bad bacteria can sit on your teeth weakening the enamel and causing them to demineralise causing cavities.
2. Consume less high sugar snacks and drinks.
Eating regular breakfast lunch and dinner is better for your teeth than continuous snacking on sweets and treats as it increases the exposure time on your teeth to the sugars within them. Instead, eat as you can at breakfast lunch and dinner and avoid those midnight snacks!
3. Try to sip on water more than sugary and alcoholic drinks.
Research has shown that frequent sipping on sugary or alcoholic drinks can increase the risk of cavities. Try not to sip high sugary drinks throughout the day and consume them within a reasonable time frame to reduce bacteria and exposure to the teeth. Water is a great alternative! A straw is another great way to enjoy your Christmas beverages.
From our team to yours ADC wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Our opening hours are as follows:
Christmas Eve (Friday 24th December) 9am – 12pm
Christmas day CLOSED
Boxing day CLOSED
Monday 27th December CLOSED
Tuesday 28th December CLOSED
Wednesday 29th December 9 am- 8:30pm
Thursday 30th December 9am – 8:30pm
New Years Eve 31st December 9am – 1:30pm
Saturday 1st January CLOSED
Monday 3rd January CLOSED