There’s nothing better than the feeling of renewal after a thorough spring cleaning! This year,why not take a moment to give your dental hygiene a refresh as well? Here are a few small things to add to your to-do list that actually make a big difference for your oral health!
1. Throw out that old tooth Brush – you should be swapping out your old toothbrush at least once every 3 months. If the bristles are frayed, you should toss it even sooner!
2- Give your toothbrush holder a good scrub-When cleaning out your bathroom, be sure to give that toothbrush holder a thorough cleaning. After all, bacteria accumulate there just as easily as it does on the other bathroom surfaces.
3- Schedule a spring cleaning for your teeth- Last, but certainly not least, this is a great time to give your teeth a thorough spring cleaning as well! It is important to visit your dentist at least once every six months for a cleaning and polish to remove tartar buildup and protect your teeth and gums.
To book in your spring clean you can give us a call on 07 3284 7112 or book online https://appointments.praktika.net.au/online-booking/step1?Apikey=908d0f40-7f11-4e36-bd40-5740bfd44490